Thursday, September 12, 2019

Kosovo is Albania Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Kosovo is Albania - Thesis Example Kosovo was the core of Yugoslavia and southern region of Serbia. It is true that being an independent country, people of different ethnic groups used to live in Kosovo. According to several criticisms of the historians, it can be stated that the largest ethnic group in Kosovo that are generally identified are the Albanians. There is huge controversy among the historians regarding the ethnic identity of Kosovo. This particular essay will discuss in favor of following thesis statement. Before going into the controversial debate, it is highly important for the readers to determine and understand the history. â€Å"Albanians can be considered as the largest ethnic group in Kosovo†. This particular community can be called as Kosovan or Kosovo Albanians or Kosovar. According to the Yugoslav census in the 1991, there were more than 80 percent Albanians used to live in Kosovo. However, this particular census had been boycotted by the Albanians due to several reasons. â€Å"It has been mentioned earlier that Kosovo got independence in the year 2008†. Since medieval period several Albanians used to live in Kosovo. It is true that, slowly and gradually several Albanians started to shift in Kosovo way before First World War. â€Å"In addition to this, when the Serbs used to expel major number of Albanians, then these Albanians started to settle in Kosovo during the year 1878† (Vickers, 2001). Moreover, these Albanians were recognized as the muhaxher. In addition to this, in the year 1912 during the war of Balkans in this First World War era, maximum of the Eastern Kosovo part was captured by the strong Kingdom of Serbia. â€Å"On the other hand, western part of the Kosovo was captured by the strong Kingdom of Montenegro† (Clark, 2000). However, as a result the Colonist Serb families started to move into Kosovo. Therefore, the percentage of Albanian population used to decrease significantly in Kosovo. â€Å"More than 10 percent

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