Saturday, September 21, 2019

Literature Themes on the Impact of Discovery

Literature Themes on the Impact of Discovery It is the nature of meaningful discoveries, to challenge and shift ones perceptions, in either an unexpected and sudden, or planned and deliberate medium[DK1]. The consequences of discovery may be positive or negative, yet the ability of discovery to empower through allowing changes in ones ideals and self-evaluations is unparalleled[DK2]. William Shakespeares Elizabethan/Jacobean play, The Tempest (1600s) explores the discovery of mortality and the fragile nature of mankind, which is mirrored by Adrienne Richs poem Diving into the Wreck (1973). Also, Patrick Ness novel, A Monster Calls showcases a childs journey to discover his hidden desires and ideology, through the influence of an external power. Through the varying mediums and contextual backgrounds, the three texts explore the enduring values of discovery, and the capacity of discovery to renew perceptions through an unexpected/sudden or planned and deliberate medium. Certain discoveries function to transform ones values and renew perspectives. Through the play, The Tempest, Shakespeare showcases Prosperos intellectual discovery of his limitations as a mortal and the consequential rediscovery of his human morals. Prospero showcases his initial hatred towards the royal crew, rooted from past betrayals, as he says They now are in my power. And in these fits, I leave them. The truncated sentence emphasises Prosperos cruel and revengeful mindset, depicting his firm belief in power being the tool for vengeance. However, a dramatic change in Prosperos attitude can be seen, as he makes an unexpected discovery of human mortality following Ariels monologue, which states, We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep,, here sleep is a symbol for death, and the metaphor of dream accentuates Prosperos intellectual discovery of lifes fragility, where ones memories and earthly possessions are temporary juxtaposed to the va stly eternal world. Through the alliterative such sleep and little life, Prospero emphasises the insignificance of human life, and with it, the insignificance of his art. As he discovers the futility of his power in the face of mortality, Prospero rediscovers his humanity and gains a renewed understanding of the futility of vengeance. He says, My charms Ill breakà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.They shall be themselves, juxtaposing to his initial cruelty and will to revenge and hence portraying the change in his perception. Therefore, the renewal of perceptions through unexpected discoveries is evident through Prosperos rediscovery of empathy which he gains through the intellectual experience. Similarly, the intellectual discovery of human mortality allows a re-evaluation of ones values and identity which is further explored in Adrienne Richs poem Diving into the Wreck. Richs depiction of human mortality, and the fleeting nature of life, mirrors that of Prosperos discovery, expressing a sense of community gained through renewed understanding of the inevitability of death. Rich personifies a shipwreck in, ribs of disaster to represent humanity, the metaphorical ribs alluding to human bones which symbolise the basis of life, but also the imminent death that all of humanity faces. The personas intellectual discovery of mortality is further evident as she refers to we as half-destroyed instrumentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ water eaten log, the fouled compass, alluding to death and portraying the inescapable nature of mortality. As the persona gains a renewed understanding of life and death, she develops a spiritual connection with humanity, leading to a re-evaluation of her perceptions. Her initial depiction of her identity and values can be seen as the positive tone in Cousteau with his assiduous team aboard the sun-flooded schoonerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ directly juxtaposing to the grim tone in the recurring motif of loneliness; but here aloneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ there is no-one. However her unexpected discovery of human mortality leads to a change in her self evaluation, as evident in I am she: I am heà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ We are, I am, you areà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ where the connection between first second and third perspectives unify human beings under the concept of mortality. The persona, therefore is able to gain comfort from the spiritual connection based on mortality and gain a renewed understanding on her identity as a human being, hence showcasing the consequential shift in perception as a result of an unexpected discovery. Similarly, the planned discovery leading to re-evaluation of self and change in perception is further explored in Patrick Ness A Monster Calls, as he reflects the planned and deliberate process that a child takes in order to discover and accept his hidden desires and ideals. The Yew treeis introduced through the repetition of dialogue, Connor, written in an italic, holophrastic form. The short, conjunct repetition reflects the random and conjunct nature of ones subconscious thoughts, hence depicting the embodiment of the personas subconscious in the Yew tree. The truncated sentence in and here was the monster as Connor comes to face the Yew tree emphasises his initial reluctance to acknowledge his subconscious, further exemplified in the negative connotation in anthropomorphic description of monster. The negative tone highlights Connors rejective perception towards the tree, and hence showcases the innate stubbornness of humanity when one comes to face possible changes. The confronti ng process of discovery, led by his subconscious can be seen in the emotive repetition of NO!, the capitalisation and the exclamation mark further reflecting the personas unwillingness to accept his hidden desires and ideals.

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