Friday, December 20, 2019

The World And Battle Of Gods Essay - 1116 Words

Each historian or story teller, like EnumaElish, Hesiod, and Confucius, has his own understanding of history due to the subjects that they focus on, type of evidence, and reliability of their evidence. These historians are from different civilizations, so each one of text might be based on dissimilar life style that they lived. All of the historians have some specific topics to talk about, like culture and war. Also, having strong evidence will make their text much reliable, and people can use their texts and telling their children about the history of their region. As an example of this situation, because my father was a Peshmarga at 1990s, he told us how much Kurdish people suffered from Saddam Husain’s regime. First, each historian has different topics of the history to write about. To give an example,EnumaElish was a Mesopotamian myth, specifically from Babylon. EnumaElish was a very old myth that focused on the creation of the world and battle of gods. The gods were Tiam at and Apsu. They were husband and wife, so they gave birth to this generation which is us. According to the points of view of this author, there had not been humans created yet. In other words, there were only gods which gave birth to this generation. When they created humans, they made humans to serve them and obey their laws.In a comparison, in the ancient Greek, we are used to hear how much their gods meant to the Greek people. This rule does not apply to the text of Hesiod. Hesiod concentratedShow MoreRelatedWhat Do The Myths Show About The Idea Of Order Vs. Chaos Essay973 Words   |  4 Pagesreality in a battle that will eventually lead to a victory of one opposing force over the other. Santayana also describes Hinduism as being worshipped by either a female goddess or a male goddess. Zoroastrianism’s supreme God Ahura Mazda has been in an ever-lasting battle with a bad spirit known as Angra Mainyu. 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