Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Start Of Human Sexuality - 931 Words

The start of human sexuality usually arises when one hits puberty. Puberty occurs in males anywhere between ages 8 and 13 and in females anywhere between ages 9 and 15. Puberty is caused by a minuscule part of the brain known as hypothalamus. This part of the brain releases the hormone gonadotropin, causing sexual changes in the body. These changes consist of the development of your body as well as the desire to have sexual contact with a partner. A partner is usually a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse, but there are some people that simply find pleasure in hooking up with multiple partners. Hooking up; this is a well known phrase especially in college environments. The reason being is because college students spend so much time focusing on their school they do not have time for relationships. The term â€Å"Hooking up† simply means â€Å"having sex† with no intentions of having a serious relationship with that person. Hook up’s although are usually referred to as an one night stand, a hook up could also happen with the same partner a series of times. It may come by surprise, but more than half of all college students are guilty of doing so. It is stated in a study from a survey of college students â€Å"Seventy-two percent of both men and women participating in the survey reported at least one hookup by their senior year in college.† Study’s also say that even though this is supposed to be a one night stand most of the time one if not both end up catching feelings for the other.Show MoreRelatedReading Gayle Rubin s Thinking Sex : Not es For A Radical Theory Of The Politics Of Sexuality1287 Words   |  6 PagesReading Gayle Rubin’s â€Å"Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality†, I was fascinated by the concept of sex as a complex social system worth discussing so I made a collage to represent my interpretation of America’s understanding of sex. 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